
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On Being Silly

I like being silly and goofy. Especially when I am by myself and no one is around to watch. Am I alone in this or does everyone do this? I have to think no, when I see the serious, sad faces on the people walking past me on the street. Maybe if they took a time out from being so earnest, they could find the funny side of life.

Life is funny most of the time. Not a day goes by that I don't see or hear things that make me laugh. And I mean really laugh. Though snickering can be enjoyable, it isn't as great as laughing so hard that tears come or your sides hurt. Or uncontrollable giggles. Sometimes though, I find myself laughing at stuff that I almost feel guilty about, that might seem inappropriate for a 52 year old woman to laugh at. The guys at work notice this. They find it a bit odd that I am laughing at stuff they say, when usually other women wouldn't. Maybe because I have worked with men practically my entire life, I find their humor funny. But this makes me feel a tiny bit weird, like I don't fit in with other women. I guess I don't understand why they don't get mens humor. Heck, funny is funny. Are there any other women out there that feel this way too? Help me out here!!!

Being silly when you are by yourself is a different kind of thing. When no one is at home, I like to talk to myself, make goofy noises, make up silly rhymes, make funny faces in the mirror, dance around the house. I am glad we don't have a web cam in the house to record any of this. I do wonder though, does anyone else do this? I sometimes think they do, but no one wants to admit it cause it sounds so goofy. Then there are times when I think about getting real old and demented and wonder if this kind of behavior will take over. EEEK!

I also like to remember funny stories or situations in my head. You know the ones? Years after it happened, as soon as you remember it, you start giggling. Sometimes it isn't even stuff that happened to me, it is stories that other people told me. But I get pictures in my head and then there I go, giggling all to myself.

One of my favorite things about myself, is being able to make other people laugh. It isn't planned, just all ad lib. Some of it is light sarcasm, but I try to make it about myself. I look at other people and they have all kinds of talents and I figured out that maybe this was supposed to be my talent, since I couldn't paint or sing or anything like that. It isn't something I could get up on stage and do, it's just the every day exchange of conversation that I attempt to make funny. I wish it was as easy to be funny when I write, but it is a lot harder. The spontaneity is missing and I have to think way too much about it.

So write and tell if you like being silly too, so I don't feel so all alone! Tell me the goofy things that you like to do. And then we can all have a laugh together.

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