
Monday, May 5, 2008

My Baby is 18!!!!

Today is my little girls birthday. She gets to be a grown-up from now on. My little baby, the cutest one there ever was.

I looked out at the stars last night and started thinking about another night, 18 years ago. I hadn't met Bianca yet, and in fact did not know if I was having a boy or a girl, though I had my intuitions that it was a girl. I was so happy when I was told my baby was a girl, and I thought "welcome to the world, little Bianca". Oh, she was so cute, and she hardly ever cried either. She smiled and laughed early, especially for her big brother Clint, whom she adored. She was a joy to us all.
My little girl got bigger, but she stayed sweet and cute. She was smart though and clever, and was lots of fun. Every year, she just got better. I could never believe that I was this lucky to get such a marvelous child. What had I done right in my life to have deserved such a gift?

Now, today, she is a grown up and I look at her with different eyes then I did when she was a baby. She isn't dependant on me, she can go out in the world and make her own way, and she isn't all cuddly and adorable any more. But, she is so much more. She has tons of talents. She can draw and paint, she can dance, she has more style in her little finger than I could ever hope to have, she's still really smart and clever and curious about everything this world has to offer, she is confidant about trying new things, whether its climbing a rope course, white-water rafting, or tasting a new food, she is funny and likes to make people laugh, she can cook and bake, she sings well, and she has lots of friends who love her, she can run fast, she is quick at learning new things, and she devours books for breakfast, both German and English, with ease.

As I look at her now, such a strong, smart and beautiful woman, I feel so blessed that I got to be her mommy and that she has graced my life with so much love and laughter. So, today, on her 18th birthday, as she leaves her childhood behind and steps through the magic doors of adulthood, I wish for my Bianca the most wonderful life she can have, filled with adventure, possibilities, success and love.

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