
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Frankfurt Tour

Yes, folks, we are open for business. Two weeks ago, my husband David and I started our own tour business. We connected up with the Insider Tours in Berlin because we liked their tours so much and have now launched out here in Frankfurt.

Every day at 10:30 and 14:30, we guide tourists around the best sites of Frankfurt for 3 hours, telling them the most interesting facts we could dig up about our hometown. It really is a fascinating city and the more we dig, the more we find. It is almost an obsession now, finding the coolest websites and the best photos from days gone by.

It is fun meeting people from all around the world and we get to be outside for hours at a time, though I am getting quite a farmer tan from wearing a tee shirt every day.

The city of Frankfurt hasn't made it easy on us though. Talk about bureaucracy! No wonder the spirit of entrepreneurship is so low here. They really don't want people to start their own businesses! Paperwork and photos and appointments and go to this office and then go to another office and they are often the wrong place or they have different hours and wont be open til the next day. AHHHHHHH! It is enough to drive ya nuts! Considering we live in the modern age of computers, there seems to be absolutely no connection in Germany from office to office. When you go in, the offices are filled with binders with everyones records. This always amazes me. Isn't it time for them to update just a bit, enter these records onto a data base that can be accessed from any government office and make things easier for folks?

This is my second time around at being my own boss and hopefully I can avoid the pitfalls of my first failed attempt. Having my husband as a partner certainly makes a big difference. I really look forward each day to going downtown, wondering who I will meet, what country they will be from (Australia seems to be the winner here) , hoping I can remember all the dates that I have memorized (using clever little connections that I have thought up), and hoping that I can make the tour so entertaining, that everyone goes home thinking that Frankfurt was 10 times more interesting than what they thought it would be.

So whether you are coming to Frankfurt or know someone is going to visit here, pass on our website address:

My next post, I will tell you a bit more about what you can see on our Famous Tour.


Christina | said...

Cool, I haven't been to Frankfurt yet and hubby and I were just talking about making a visit. Maybe we'll be on one of your tours later this summer!

Jo said...

That would be great! Please let us know who you are when you get here. I look forward to meeting you. - Jo